Sunday, September 9, 2012


Another great set of pictures by my son Joel.  Here he captures the age old saga of the hunter and the hunted.  In reality, it was much more cute than cruel.  There's no way our cat would have caught this very agile chipper!  I think the chipper knew it as he sat up in the tree teasing the cat.  Our cat (Pita) is actually quite a timid thing - hence the harness and rope - she actually wants it on to feel more safe and secure outside.

So, there you have it - the timid hunter and the teasing hunted.


Loons are amazingly beautiful creatures.  I like photographing them almost as much as mushrooms!  

It is rare that you can get pictures of two loons together.  I managed to get this pictured because my son Joel and I were together out in the boat.  He drove; I sat at the front of the boat snapping pictures like crazy (172 to be exact!).  I would not have been able to do this without Joel.  He carefully and gently piloted the boat in such a way that the loons felt safe with us so close.

Cool things happen when you do stuff together.