Sunday, August 21, 2011


Often the expression "Get a Grip!" implies a deficiency viewed in a negative way.  Often though, we need to "get a grip" because we need something to rest on, or we need something to steady us.  This damselfly has a good (yet delicate) grip - yet there is no sense of weakness.  One looks on with admiration that couldn't be possible if he were flying about vigorously as they normally do.    

Monday, August 8, 2011


My daughter took this shot.  The camera was set to manual focus and she didn't know how to change it.  So, she just kept taking shots of this cute (?) little guy.  Wouldn't you know - the best shot turned out to be butt-ugly!  But(t), it isn't really - is it?  Who would have taken this shot on purpose?  But(t), in the end (pun of course intended), the picture shows the essence of this toad and it would not have come to be without my daughter persisting in getting a good shot with an uncooperative camera.